18 September 2011


you have incurred the snark of kate:


your hair would be cute... if your wig was on straight.

men don't wear the little pantyhose footies.  no.  they don't.  stop arguing.  you are wearing pantyhose and i am wearing tactical boots with composite toes. 

if i have to physically scoot your foot onto the yellow footprint because you can't figure it out, then yes, you are that stupid.  you said it first.

if i am blocking the door, you can't come in.  bumping me with your dunlop will only anger me.

that dress is cute but you need to wear leggings.  you lose cute points if your cheeks hang lower than your hem.

when you are given multiple opportunities and reminders to close your carry-on, i feel no sympathy when you dump it on the floor.

you're welcome.  i did just swallow my cookie whole and return from my break five minutes early to search for your ID that you "forgot you put in your pocket."  that is  the first place i suggested you look.  the least you could do is thank me, bitch.

when you use please, thank you, and stop looking down your nose at me, i will tell you that you left your shoes on the floor and failed to put them in the xray.  for now you can keep looking.

this game amuses me.  let's all hold our belongings, watch the conveyor belt move and complain that the line is stopped.

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