27 September 2011



thank you for bearing with me.  once i got home and established that nothing was stolen and we were all safe, i had to crash. i've had  less than 10 hours' sleep in three days and i really did not have a choice of  'sleep or not'.

i went straight to the elementary school after work.  when i arrived home at 3:40, the elder two had already invaded the house.  i stepped onto the front porch to find the screen hanging from the front window.  it was not broken, but a piece was out of place enough to show me that it had been pulled out of the frame, not fallen by accident.  i asked the kids if it had been like that when they left for school in the morning (because everything was in place when *i* left 12 hours before).  they assured me that the loose screen was new.  i stepped inside and took a quick inventory of the front room.  without listing it all (i'm not stupid) everything was in place.  power tools, appliances, etc.  checkity check check.

upon closer examination of the window, it was still just so very slightly open that i could tell it had been shut from outside.  you simply can't close it all the way from outside because your fingers can't get the leverage.  the chair that sits directly in front of the window is round.  no, really it is. it's like a mini-couch that spins in a circle like a barstool.   if you step through that window onto the chair, it will turn and go off-balance.  there was no evidence of footprints, leg marks or smudges on the back of the upholstery indicating that it was tipped off-balance at all.

i checked the shed: all bikes present and accounted for.  i checked the smaller tool shed.  everybody tucked in tight. re-checked the house: all items of pawnable expense have not moved.

now, about this dog.  this half-beagle, half-husky weighs under 30 pounds, yet has charged a full 300 pound rottweiler, honestly believing she was going to take that dog to the mat.  when she is angry she sounds rabid.  full-throated snarls rip from her wolf-like jaws and every hair (on a husky that is a lot of hair) EVERY hair stands up from crown to tip of tail.  her ears lie flat against her head and if she wasn't so darn cute, i would be scared of her when the mail carrier visits.  her growling, snarling half-husky bay has made grown men run from our front porch.  she sounds HUGE. 

no.  that window was not locked.  had anything been stolen, we would have deserved it. 

it is now.  and that dog?  she is getting a nice raw egg on her dinner tonight and maybe even a couple bites of chicken.  because i KNOW someone opened that window from the outside.  and somehow never made it in the house.

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