09 February 2012

stones. words. same thing.


what you said: you are so thin.  are you anorexic or something?  you must be bulimic.  are these your hip bones?  *shakes head*  you need to eat more, and not be so picky about your food.  can i buy you a hamburger or something?  *giggles*

what i heard (because i can't put your tone of voice on the interwebz):  you are the skinniest bunch of bones.  there must be something wrong with you.  you should get professional help because you don't look like me. 

what i said: *embarrassed chuckle*  no thanks; i was very sick for a while and lost 30 pounds before we sort of figured out what was wrong.  my food allergies keep me from eating a lot of foods and my high metabolism burns off everything i can eat.  i make healthy choices and don't eat a lot of fats or restaurant food because fatty foods make me feel sicker.

what i thought: fuck you, you ignorant, judgmental cow.  how about you lie in bed for weeks on end, your body rejecting everything you put inside it, including teaspoons of water at a time?  how about you go to the hospital and have them use a pediatric needle to try to draw blood from collapsed, dehydrated veins?  THAT is pain.  THAT is bruises the size of a dollar around the needle entry site.  how about you go through testing for weeks on end, awaiting results of cancer, parasites, allergies, poisoning, and many more - on edge just waiting for some kind of diagnosis and STILL unable to hold down food?  have a tasty radioactive drink while they take pictures of your glowing insides and then shit yourself inside out for a week after that - and get zero results.  go re-arrange your eating habits and have a finite selection of food you CAN eat, limiting your restaurant choices to about five in the state and hope to god they don't fuck up your order and make you sick.  happened to me twice from starbucks last month alone.  why don't you just shut your face and stop eating?  you are obviously picky about your food since i only see you eating garbage; try something that ISN'T fried.  pick up your pace and walk a little instead of slouching and slogging everywhere you go.  i don't need help because *I* am a healthy weight and right at the body mass index for my height and age.  my muscle tone rocks and i could probably kick your ass if you didn't sit on me first.  bitch.

what i did next:  turned away and wiped tears from my eyes and tried to put it out of my mind.  fail.  sticks and stones may break my bones, but your judgment stings right through my heart and poisons everything else you say.

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