11 October 2011

secret's in the sauce

the ignorance of the american public is astounding.  to witness buffoonery of this caliber... it was difficult to just stand there and not knock that man into his place. 
there are many foreign nationals employed in this 'land of opportunity.' to walk up to someone of a different skin color than yours and ask of their lineage is rude, to say the least.  now, if you were having a friendly conversation, and said something along the line of, "your
accent intrigues me; where did your family originate?"  that is one thing.  to start the conversation by asking, "where are you from?" smacks of confrontation.
but that is just what this man did. 
"where are you from?" he asked the subway sandwich-maker.
"would you like creamer?" asked the sandwich-maker.
"you are from canada?!" asked mister rude, who apparently has listening skills as awesome as his people skills.
"no, i live here. would you like creamer?"
"you are from baltimore?"
"i live in glen burnie."
"yes, but where are you from?"
my mouth was already open in disbelief before he asked, "are you from iran?"
i barked out that nervous laugh that people make when they can't bring themselves to say, "ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS?"
the sandwich-maker paused, looked mister rude in the eye and said, "no. i am not from iran."
i wondered if we were going to play name-every-country-on-the-planet when mister rude asked, "then are you from india?"
I spoke at that time.  i said, "really?  you're just going to demand that from the guy making your food?  did you need a resume with your footlong?"  mister rude did not hear me because sandwich-maker was telling him about all the different countries in that part of the world, and in fact that he was from pakistan. 
double whammy.   
so, not only did this twatwaffle demand lineage of his sandwich-maker, he also insulted him by asking if he hailed from two countries which he would NOT claim as home.  ever.  sandwich-maker handled the situation well.  better than i did, or would have if i were in his shoes.
one question for mister rude:  did you want douchesauce on your footlong or do you have enough on you to last the rest of the day?

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