23 August 2011

it was the tiffany lamp


The call came in at 13:20 that D pier was dumped for an unattended bag. My co-workers headed upstairs with test kits. The office I was in was included in the blast zone; I could get out, but I would be unable to return until the all clear was sounded.  Deep in a protocol discussion, I noticed the pull chain from a desk lamp, rattling against a mug. I stopped, splayed my hand flat on the desk and said, "Why is the airport... MOVING?"

Considering the thickness of the tarmac and the fact that my office is not located in a high traffic area, this was very odd indeed. "It's just a tug going by," waved off one of the instructors. "It's a plane."

"We don't feel the tugs in here," I said, pushing away from my desk and looking at the ceiling. "Or planes. My God. Did the bomb just go off upstairs?? Was there more than one?? It's still shaking!"  At that point boxes on the top shelves began shifting violently and there were screams from the locker room next door. "It's an earthquake." (Insert a wave of relief here, followed by a breath of panic.) I picked up my phone and wallet, locked my computer screen, fumbled around looking for keys and by the time I got to the door (which everyone was trying to stand in) the earthquake was over. Those In Charge decided that everyone needed to evacuate the building.

I immediately called the kids. They were confused and scared, but safe. The phone fell off the table, but they didn't see any other damage. My supervisor told me to go home instead of standing around outside; I asked if I should stay and help when the checkpoint re-opened but he said no. So I threw my stuff in my bag and left. On the tarmac, I tried to make phone calls, but I got nothing. No dial tone, no busy signal. Just air. Very disconcerting. I was able to shoot some texts through and I was receiving them just fine.

Got a text from Tad's cell phone, indicating that he was out of the building and at least at his car. I could not reach my parents through any of their phone numbers. On the way to the parking lot, I could see passengers, airport employees, police, TSA friends with walkies standing surrounding the parking garage.  Not a few passengers had given up and decided it was Not A Day To Fly and were walking towards the hotel district.

By the time I got to my car, about 14:10, there were carloads of airport employees returning to the lot. As in, they friggin ran. As in, left the airport property entirely, not merely evacuated the building. The fact that they were returning by the carload (seven people in the back of one pickup all wearing the same shirts) says that they were supposed to still be in place, helping with evacuations and directing passengers..... what an embarrassment. While I won't call anyone or any business out individually, I will say that I am ashamed to work in an environment where people who think it is just fine to leave in a crisis. Good to see who has my back. Or, not.

Kids hugged me hard when I got home, ahead of the traffic wave.  Heard from Tad, my father and somce close friends. Finally calmed my nerves enough to take a short nap. And I get to wake up and start all over again tomorrow! Yay Friday!!

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