09 June 2008

summertime boys, or tucking in

a touch of floral underlies the coconut,
tang of sweat lies sticky upon it all.
dirty creases between fingers,
streaks of watermelon rivers,
wads of socks just fallen from the bed.
red bug-eaten welts, plastic ships
and paper airplanes,
belly hanging out of rumpled shirt.

my kisses fall upon you,
eyes closed, unknowing, while you sleep.
the deepest of sighs escapes
as i brush your twisted locks
and run my finger down the smoothest of cheeks
where the shadow of a man will grow
and hide the dimples that i gave you.

and when your little paws outstrip mine;
and when your smile winks above me;
and when we disagree because you have my
stubborn streak,

i will remember the little boy who mumbles,
“i love you, mama,”
and rolls over in his sleep.

details of a domestic goddess

part-time SAHM to four kids: Bear (96), Schmoo (99), Hercules (01), and Princess (02). I wear many hats, including that of the chef, maid, nanny, chauffeur, accountant, triage nurse, laundress, educator, admin assistant, maintenance, gardener, weekend warrior, and just mom too. when i'm not busy momming, i get up at 2am to go to work as an international spy.