21 February 2008

drink dranked drunkened

i fergot to post the myspace bulletin from the other night. i giggled while i wrote. but then, i was drinkening. *hic*

1. Have you ever been drunk?
~me? nope, never, nuh-uh, not even last night. not even right this second with this tasty woodchuck in my fist. oh. wait. i had to put it down to type. bad form. *glug*

2. Do you prefer liquor or beer?
~i never prefer beer. now, cider is something else.

3. Can you handle shots?
~depends on the size of the shot. i can't take much more than a swig, most times.

4. What's your poison of choice?
~that depends highly on the mood, the occasion and the funds. and the stash for that matter. the fridge is a bit on the dry side since i started working. because i can't imagine anything harder than getting up *drunk* at 2:30am to go to work.

5. What type of drunk are you?
~giggly. loud. bouncy. talker.

6. Ever hooked up with a stranger while drunk?
~er, no. he was familiar, but he was strange. so what does that make it? new year's eve.

7. Ever peed your pants from being so wasted?
~a resounding no.

8. Are you a barfer?
~only when i chase champagne with about 10 tequila jello shooters. in a word: once. ever.

9. Do you turn into a chain smoker while drunk?
~um, since i don't smoke at all, that would be no.

10. Do you know your limits?
~absolutely. when the floor begins to move slightly off center, then it's time to eat something with starch before the next round.

11. Ever woken up asleep on the bathroom floor after a wild night out?
~nope, but i had a mark around my forehead from falling asleep with my head on the edge of a tiny little trash can. that was after the medieval banquet in england. i like mead too.

12. What alcohol makes you sick?
~crown royal. well, pretty much anything that has the look, the viscosity, and the smell of a furniture polish/urine blend.

13. Ever chipped a tooth from praying to the porcelain god all night?
~no. we already went over that. me no barfy.

14. Do you crave fast food when you’re drunk?
~nope. doritos. then again, i always eat doritos.

15. Do you tend to hug more than normal when you’re wasted?
~i don't know. anyone? is the kater a drunk hugger?

16. What's the biggest bar bill you've racked up in a night?
~*sheepishly* i've never been to a bar since i've been old enough to drink. i went with all my af friends 'waaaaaay back in the day, but i was the designated driver and i got free sprites. i think i got a really fucking awesome chocolate martini at a french cafe once and it was like $8. yeah. i agree. i need to get out more. but who's gonna pay for the sitter?

17. Do you have any hangover remedies??
~stop drinking heavily when the floor tilts. stay hydrated with something other than hooch. oh. you meant AFTER the fact.

18. Who is the funniest drunk you know?
~um, i don't know.

19. When's the last time you were completely hammered?
~date unknown, but surprise surprise, it was here in the house before i started working. i got sloshed because i knew i wouldn't be able to for a while. vodka and strawberry-banana V8 fusion.

20. Got any friends who can drink like nobody's business?
~not any more. but back in cali, man, we had some bottles to answer for in the mornings, didn't we?

21. Are you a loud or quiet drunk?
~fantabulously loud. the more i drink the higher the volume.

22. Are you a blackout drunk?
~never done that.

23. Do you like Smirnoff Ice?
~not that i know of....

24. Ever drank and drove?
~drove - as in a large group, swarm, herd, horde or crowd? or driven - as in the past tense form of the verb "to drive"?

let's try that again...

24a. Ever drink and drive?
once. on accident. honest. i ordered a virgin drink and (since i'd never had a loaded one) i didn't realize it was full up with hooch. i was the designated driver. halfway home i realized that i felt really strange (now i know i was just a little buzzed) and i pulled off the highway and took back streets home.

25. At what age did you start drinking?
~sometime in my junior year, someone handed me some kind of "light" beer in a solo cup from a keg. it was nasty. i tasted coors and rolling rock a couple of times before my senior prom. never got any kind of close to drunk. my first REAL drinking was done in cali, when i was just legal enough to be out of the house on my very own.

26 Ever been in a drunken fight?

27. Do you have a nice pair of beer goggles??
~no. i don't think they'd go well with my hair.

28. Ever passed out outside?
~you drunk or something? already went over the passed out thing.

29. What's the drunkest you've ever been?
~it's a dead tie between the medieval banquet and Y2K millenium bash. curious. both in england.

30. Have you ever been drunk with the person who posted this before you?
~nope. we were too young and law-abiding way back then.

31. Which one of your ex's had the most problem with you drinking?
~none. well, tad thinks i don't get schnockered nearly often enough. does that count?

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