10 March 2007

concussion watch

please excuse my spelling and grammar. i'm typing one-handed and i realy don't care to go back & proof. you'll see why.

spring is in the air! we bundled up into sweayers, packed the kids into the car and headed to the school for some much-needed run-around-in-the-fresh-air time. the 2 liltles played on the playgrond while the 2 bigs plyed baseball with dh & i. customary to our fly-by-the-seat behavior, about 30 minutes into the fun Tad had to go take a dump. i asked him to bring back snack & drinks. one of the littles took a turn, and a couple more at-bats for the three of us, and i was thinking, "c'mon, man. hurry it up. we're getting a little thristy here." seconds after speaking that thought, i raised my bat, ready for the picth. out of the coerner of mueye, dh comes pulling into the parking lot. i glanced back at my 7 YO Schmoo, just intime for the world to go black. he got me right in the eye.

since we were not alone in tha p;ayfround, i bit back my swearoing and managed to gulp, "dadyy just got here, tell him to put some snow in a plastic trash bag from the car and bring it here." it seemed like forever! meanwhile i rolled one of the metal bats towards me, hoping it was cold to put on my eye. when he finally reached me, dh reported thte there wasno snow available. i remembereda pack of canned green tea in the trunk and we hobbled me to the van, and i put the wonderful ice-cold tea on my head. o bliss!!! my Bear gathered up bats & balls. Schmoo gathered up mitts and siblings (as bset he could) and they were all really quiet on the short 2 minute ride home from the school. i told them all that i was glad i was the first person in the fam to get beaned in the eye. thay way they could see that it would hurt and look ugly for a while, byt it was OK and they would't be afraid tp lay again. my Lartian was scared that i was going to die. sweet baby!

when we arrived home, i discovered what took Tad so lonog to get back to the school (and was really glad he got back when he did.) he tripped going up the stps to our house and pulled something major in his back. he can hardlt walk. he is currently soaking in the tub while i try really hard not to fall asleep. what the hell?? i can never out-do him! it is going to take my actual death to get a minute to lie down to myslef! so iguess we're ordering out tonight, or should the Bear get her first lesson in cooking....we reallt can't afford to eat out again thi week. we're on astrict budget b/c we have a big vacation the the ILs coming up. ahhhh! i must be really wicked cuz dammit, i really need some rest!

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