31 October 2012



dear traveling public,
some airports are now open. please be aware that you are not the only person/family affected/delayed/re-scheduled due to the massive storm on the east coast. please also understand that in addition to re-scheduled flights, regular wednesday travels are also taking place. the airlines will be trying to assist you as much as possible. TSA will be extra-staffed to handle the extra load. keep in mind that the local airline staff and TSA are residents in this area. some of us have sustained damage to property and we may be a little stressed out as well. some of us had to ride out the storm in the airport, away from our families. worries from that may be residual as well.
in short, bring your patience and sense of humor. pay attention to your surroundings. plan ahead for long lines and traffic delays. **->BE EARLY<-** pack your liquids. all of them. just don't even measure them out. pack it. really. and drink your water. now. before you get in line. laptops out. pockets empty. the more you do to prepare, the less we have to repeat and the faster the lines will move.
the line only moves as fast as the passenger up front.
safe travels.