26 July 2012

go play


i don't wish my kids were back in school. this has been the longest summer vacation they have ever had; due to a mild winter and zero snow days used, they got an entire extra week off. add to that the august calendar puts them in school a few days later than usual and i get to enjoy my kids extra. the days are long and hot. they complain about being bored. sometimes they fight. sometimes they fight a lot. but if i don't play now, i will never get back this time. live up your summer vacation WITH your kids, not near them.

spray the hose.
wash the dog.
make pudding paintings on paper plates - and then eat them with graham crackers.
watch bugs.
bake cookies.
crush chalk and paint the driveway.
dress up together and go shopping in costume.
play wii bowling.
go real bowling.
freeze small dollar store toys in tupperware ice blocks and melt them in the afternoon sun with squirt guns.

GO PLAY. because you will NEVER get this time back.

25 July 2012

no good horrible very bad day


~01:20 - i discover that mileidy is in my bed.
01:37 - miledy is apparently bowling in her dreams, using my head. i think she wedged a finger in my brain.
01:45 - alarm goes off.
03:05 - ready to leave the house, but not feeling well. oh well.
03:09 - realize i am driving down the street without a) my sweater to cover my tattoos at work and b) my glasses. with which i need to see.
04:20 - typing up yesterday's reports.
05:40 - sick sick sick sick.... i wanna go home.
06:20 - drop a glass candle on the floor out of my training bag. the checkpoint has to shut 2 lanes to keep passengers from walking in broken glass shards. i am rocking this day.
06:40 - i request a do-over from midnight, watching my co-workers maneuver the checkpoint around to keep screening effectively. or at least a groundhog day. denied.
07:40 - crack a bin (and i quote) "a hulksmash hug to the chest." really i am not doing this on purpose.
08:15 - headache begins.
09:30 - drop a training device and scatter pieces under the xray. yes, i crawled under to get them out. not it is not broken, just apart. i fixed it. on the verge of tears. my coworkers take all objects from my hands and almost put me in a wheelchair so i don't have to attempt stairs.
headache got gradually worse. went home early. took some meds. took a nap. not feeling normal, but better than when i woke up. please can i have a do-over???