16 November 2011

my personal turkey


it seems i have been pretty much a grouch lately.  i complain a lot.  some of it is joking irony, some of it is "woe is me," some of it is simply venting to get it off my chest.  i try to see the positive, and the domino effect of this summer-fall has me down.  but i am thankful for many things in my life.

i have a job: it pays well. it provides me with challenges. it has given me a wider network of people i may never have met. it has flexible hours that enable me to spend time with my kids and not pay a penny for child care. it has provided avenues of education. it can be stressful; it can be fun.  it makes me feel worthwhile (most days.) my family can afford to pay for things not possible if i were unemployed.

i have medical insurance: my family has access to a worthy network of care providers and we have a positive relationship with them.  although it seems expensive at times, the care in the long run is worth not having to worry as emergencies arise.

i have a home: broken though it may be, because of my job and the medical care that keeps me healthy and working, we are able to make changes and fixes. i am proud of the work we have done to this house to improve its space, value, and functionality.  i can't wait for the work to be finished and we can sit back, entertain and i can say, "yup.  we succeeded."

i have friends: people who care surround me.  sometimes just knowing that they are listening is enough to get me by.  i give as good as i get, too.  my friends teach me things and i pass that on.  but whether they are holding me up, pouring that drink, making me laugh, or sweating my equity with me, i sleep at night knowing that i am flush with close friendships.  *warm & fuzzy*

i learn from my mistakes: for the most part. 

i have rum: and when all else fails, i don't even have to deal with a hangover because rum and i are best good pals.