20 October 2011

driveway? parkway?

the employee parking lot at work is under construction.  they are resurfacing, re-painting and it looks like they are making the lot bigger.  i know this because of personal observations in the parking lot itself - oh, and it was briefed fully at the end of september/beginning
of october.  so while they resurface and re-paint, all vehicles need to be moved.  away from the place they are fixing.  which is likely the place where they set up those huge orange barrels.  and then tied them together.  every day.  and then re-tie them together.  every day.
because somehow they keep coming untied and those big barrels keep moving so that vehicles have access to the roped off area.  somehow. *scratches head in wonderment*
yesterday i watched someone drive into the parking lot, park their car and get out to untie the caution tape, drive through the roped off area, park again and untie the caution tape in another location and drive into the parking garage.  for those in the know, yup, they had the white hangtag.  so in other words, they can drive anywhere they effing please and road construction will not get in the way of their commute.  did it really take less time to do all that than following the driving lanes through the parking lot into the garage??  (and yes, i saw which assigned space they parked their red dodge avenger in the garage...)
as a result of the weird parking arrangements, assigned parking has been suspended until the project is complete.  apparently that means that handicapped spaces are at a premium.  so, yesterday, five cars with handicap placards simply created their own parking spaces in the middle of the driving lane.  i had to "austin powers" my SUV out of the legal driving lane and back into the parking lot because five cars were blocking the exit.  and i only drove that direction because it *IS* the legal driving lane and all.  so, even if i don't have a handicapped placard, can i invent my own parking spot as well?  because the sidewalk right next to the shuttle shelter, right ON the curb is looking pretty inviting. and i wouldn't even be blocking the driving lane.
i realize that this is going to be an adjustment. but for the love of mother mary's dirty sock basket, can we please put our heads on??? there are still eight cars parked in the roped off area.  and i know for a fact that one of them was NOT there when i left yesterday at 2:30pm.
so they purposely drove in there to park.  the other cars haven't moved for quite a while, so i have to assume that the owners are away... which means that the resurfacing won't start until they return and MOVE... which likely means that in the meantime someone else is going to park in the roped off area....
aaaah, the sweet smell of entitlement.  reminds me of nebraska farmland.

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details of a domestic goddess

part-time SAHM to four kids: Bear (96), Schmoo (99), Hercules (01), and Princess (02). I wear many hats, including that of the chef, maid, nanny, chauffeur, accountant, triage nurse, laundress, educator, admin assistant, maintenance, gardener, weekend warrior, and just mom too. when i'm not busy momming, i get up at 2am to go to work as an international spy.